Imperfection is beautiful, a lot of things in my life have been pointing me to that conclusion
lately. I recently had discussion about live music with a friend. She said she prefers studio albums because everything is
crisp, clear and precise. I said I prefer live albums (and going to concerts) specifically because they are NOT all those
things. A recent concert experience perfectly illustrated my point. It was a solo show by one of my favorite artists, it was
just her standing on stage alone, warts and all. It was far from perfect and precise, but there was an energy and feeling
that could never come out of a studio or been processed with pro tools. Music and all of the arts are about feeling not precision.
Dance is the same, someone can be precise and do all the steps perfectly but still not be “dancing” Dance is a
feeling, an emotion, not a series of steps.
Photography is the same. Photoshop
has become our pro tools, everything precise and crisp and overly processed. HDR is overused, everything looks “too”
perfect. Step away from the computer and just look at the image, its all going to be ok.