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Welcome to Stage Left Photography. With over 20 years of experience we have the skills and the equipment to tackle difficult lighting and locations.

Stage Left Photography is your source for fine art prints of nature and scenery. Specializing in Maine coast images and Maine narrow gauge railroad images. Please browse the images on the site. The galleries will be updated on a regular basis so check back soon!


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Its just like music

         I’m a photographer, I do many different things with my photography, but I derive a lot of my income from the music industry, or whats left of it. I work with a lot of small local bands in the NYC area, and its interesting to see who grows and what doesn’t. I listen to a lot of really bad music in my search for new bands to work with. When I think music is dead and American Midol has taken over I am surprised and delighted to find a real band or a real musician singing real music. I had a crazy week shooting a lot of back to back nights of mediocre music (a guy has to eat) when I was surprised by one of the bands on the bill.  You can tell instantly when a band is playing music that means something to them and not just trying to be the flavor of the week. I like to believe people still appreciate “real” music, and not whats forced down their throats by Simon Codpiece and his cronies. 

         Its the same with photography, in this iPhone “its good enough” age I still like to believe people can appreciate “real” photography. People can tell if you’re just in it for a paycheck or photography is your real passion. 

1:20 pm est          Comments

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