You can’t take a great picture (or any picture for that matter) if your camera is safely stored
in your bag. I’ll admit I’m a little different than most people, I’ve always been fascinated by weather,
usually bad weather. Even as a kid I’d sit with my nose pressed against the window during storms, taking it all in.
That wonder never left me. Now as an adult and a member of my local fire department I find myself out in the middle of these
storms. Whats my point you ask? Don’t be afraid to take your camera out and take pictures. I have seen a number of my
friends go out and buy a nice camera and then be too afraid to take it anywhere and use it. You can’t take pictures
if you don’t have your camera, and no your cell phone is not a camera, its a cell phone. So get out there and take some
photos, some of the greatest photos are taken in or just after bad weather. Don't be afraid, but don’t be stupid either.